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My heart was beating as if I'd been running a marathon.

Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry.

I was going to see him again.

The only thing I could think about was him. His beautiful eyes and face, his handsome, curly hair and his absolutely amazing personality.

Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry.

''I'm about to cry'' I mumbled and took up Nialls hand. ''Fuck I don't wanna cry. What if he doesn't want to see me?''

''Shut up, he wants to see you. He loves you.''

''Louis Tomlinson?'' Suddenly a man in a uniform at the door in front of us said. ''You can go in now.''

I was shaking when I saw Harry sitting next to the table in the middle of the room, as I entered it.

He had his head down. Face pale, hair greesy. It reminded me of the day I met him in school after I'd told ''Edward'' that I hated Harry Styles.

It somehow feels as if that was years ago.

''H-hey'' I whispered and his head snapped up.

''Oh my god! Louis!'' He shouted and his eyes began to water. ''Please come here, I'm not allowed to stand up.''

''Why aren't you allowed to stand up?!'' I said and did as I was told.

''Cause I'm dangerous.''

''You're a cute little babycat'' I mumbled as I sat down on his lab and pressed my body against his. ''I've missed you so much, Harry. I've missed you so much. And I'm so fucking sorry it's my fault.''

Even if I tried not to, I started crying.

''No, baby, no, it's my fault, everything is my fault and I'm so sorry. I love you more than anything else in the whole world and I'm so sorry for messing everything up.''

I wasn't able to answer cause of all the tears streaming down my face and all the sobs coming out of my mouth and Harry wrapped his arms around me, held me close and kissed my cheeks.

''I love you.''

''I l-love y-you so much, H-Harry'' I murmured and he finally lowered his head and let his lips sink on mine.

He kissed me firmly and pulled me against his chest, telling me that he loved me over and over again.

I didn't know how long we sat there, kissing each other from time to time.

But far too soon the man in the uniform came in.

''Your time is over.''

He didn't say something about the fact, that I was sitting on Harrys lab and wiping away my tears. He just waited for me to stand up and leave the love of my life again.


I never expected this story to be sooo long. And there are still a lot of chapters left.


[466 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now