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The english lesson at the next day was quite awkward.

I could feel Harry's eyes on myself but I totally ignored him and focused on the exercises we had to do.

''Everything okay?'' Niall asked softly and I silently looked over at him before shrugging my shoulders.

''I'm gonna tell you later, yeah?''

''Yeah, okay.''

''Guys, listen, lesson's over. I just want to talk to Louis for a moment'' Harry suddenly said and everyone looked at me.

Harry blushed as I raised my eyebrows and gave me an insecure and weak smile.

At first I just wanted to leave the classroom without even having a conversation with him, but then I decided to give him a chance.

I had overreacted a little bit yesterday. But overreacting was one of the things that I was really good at.

Last night I thought about Harry and 'Edward' a lot. He was right. I definitely liked Edward. However, I did not really know what to think of Harry. There was a time when I hated him, but now I sometimes thought he was okay, even if I didn't like him that much. But he actually was Edward.

God, this was so confusing.

Well, in the end, I figured out that I liked both, so I liked Harry... I guessed.

''What do you want?'' I asked Harry as all the others had left the classroom and we faced each other.

''Well, I wanted to ask you if... I mean, maybe you could... maybe you could give me a chance to explain everything and... and just talk to me. I know you don't want to but I really don't know what to do and I don't want to lose you, yeah? I just want to go on a date with you and... and show you who I really am and how I feel...''

His face turned red in embarrassment and malaise and he closed his eyes, scared of what I would say.

''Yeah... but we could get into trouble.''

''Is that supposed to be a yes?''

His eyes lit up as he looked at me and inside of me a storm of emotions raged.

''Well, let us give it a try.''

I was not sure if that was wise. But it felt right, kind of.

''For real? We'll have a date?''

Harry's voice trembled and he took a deep breath.


Before I could react, he had hugged me, pulled me tight against his chest and pressed his face into my hair.

''Oh my god'' He mumbled again and again. ''Oh god, thank you so freaking much. Thank you so much, Louis!''

''Don't let me regret it.''


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[465 Words]

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