● 19 ●

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It was Monday morning and I was singing Blank Space by Taylor Swift quietly while I was walking to my classroom.

I focused on the lyrics of the song and didn't really care about everything that was going on around me, so I wasn't very surprised as i suddenly knocked someone down.

''Sorry'' I mumbled and looked up.

''No problem.''

The person in front of me was Harry Styles and to be honest he looked awful.

His hair was greasy, his skin was pale and it seemed like he had been crying.

''Are you okay?''

The words came out of my mouth before i could realize that this was fucking Harry Styles and I didn't like him at all and that it didn't matter if he was okay or not.

''Yeah'' He answered slowly and tried to smile a little bit.

''Honestly you don't look like you are.''

''Not your problem'' he said and, yeah, he was right but something made me feel bad if I just walked away when he looked like he was about to die.

''Your lesson is goin' to start in a few minutes'' he reminded me and I smiled at him.

''Yeah but it's my english lesson, so why are you walking away from the classroom?''

''I don't feel like I'm able to teach you today.''

''Me or the whole class?'' I asked just as a joke, but he took it serious.

''Not sure.''

''What is that supposed to mean?''

Why were these two words confusing me so much?

''Nothing, Louis.''

The way he said my name made me shudder.

He looked at me like i was a little secret and he wanted to find out, what I was hiding.

''So are you sick or why are you not able to teach us?''

For a few moments he didn't say anything and then he just shrugged.

''You are weird'' I laughed and he smiled a little bit.

''Yeah and I'm annoying. I know.''

''I've never said that.''

''Yeah... sure, honey'', he whispered so quietly that I wasn't sure if I could trust what I thought I had heard.

''What did you say?'' I asked and my voice trembled for some reason.

''I said you are right, Louis.''

''Oh, yeah, i see.''

''The lesson is about to start'' He mumbled and looked back at the classroom.

''Let's go, professor Styles'' I smiled and he looked at me for a second, before he nodded.

And so we walked to the classroom and entered it together.


Guys I really hope my grammar isn't just a piece of shit ._.

Please tell me if I made mistakes :)


[441 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now