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The rest of the date was enjoyable and kind of cool.

Harry got braver after the hug and we had a lot of fun, with his definitely terrible jokes, and talked about random stuff.

But he still was a little bit shy and uncertain. He was scared of making mistakes and doing something that would mess everything up.

But he didn't do anything wrong. In my opinion, everything was perfect.

It was not this typical kind of date, but I liked it pretty much.

And, yeah, Harry was a person I could imagine spending time with more often.

But now, as I sat on my bed and thought about everything, reality hit me.

He was my teacher.

I mean that's no problem for me since I figured out that I really liked him, but this whole student-teacher-thing was illegal.

Well, hanging out together would be fine but doing something... sexual or even kissing him could end really, really bad.

Not that I had been thinking about doing things like that with him.

It was just something to worry about if Harry and I would end up as a couple some day.

What the fuck was I even thinking about? A couple?

Me and Harry?

God damn it.

Suddenly the door to my room opened and my sister Lottie came in.

''Louis?'' She mumbled and wiped the tears on her cheeks away.

''What happened?'' I asked confused, stood up and hugged her.

''I feel so bad for Henry.''

Henry was her best friend since kindergarten and they did everything togheter.


''All the kids in school bully him, 'cause he kissed Dean'' She said in her childish and high voice. ''They call him faggot. Do you think loving the same gender is... bad?''

''Love isn't bad. No matter what kind of. Gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual and all the other stuff. You can love who your heart wants to.''

''But Dean is three years older than Henry.''

''Well, you know, I know a gay man who loves a boy who's much younger than him.''

''And does the younger lad like him?'' She asked with big eyes and I smiled down at her.

''Yeah, he likes him. There were some troubles at the beginning, but he likes him now.''

''Is he gay too?''

''He's as gay as a colorful rainbow'' I laughed and kissed her forehead.

''Do you like them?''

''Sure. I do.''

''Do they love each other?''

''Well... the older man loves the younger lad. But the younger one still has to figure out if he wants to do things, that boyfriends do, with the man. And he's to figure out, whether he has feelings for the man or not.''

''What do boyfriends do?''

''They share thousands of kisses and show each other how much they love each other in a... beautiful way.''

''And the younger boy doesn't know if he wants to kiss the man and show him that he loves him in that beautiful way?''

''Yeah... right.''

''I hope they end up loving each other and being cute boyfriends'' She said and I gave her an awkward smile.

''Maybe they will.''


Would you rather like to be Harry or Louis in this fanfiction?


[539 Words]

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