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EdwardCullen: hey Lou

Louis: hey Cullen

EdwardCullen: so... i'm Edward Cullen...

EdwardCullen: wanna be my Bella?

Louis: Edward?

EdwardCullen: yeah?

EdwardCullen: don't ruin the romantic

Louis: that was so cute

EdwardCullen: what?

Louis: no joke, that was fuckin' cute

EdwardCullen: really? :-)

Louis: yeah and yeah and

Louis: yeah yeah yeah yeah

EdwardCullen: naww love

Louis: don't call me love

EdwardCullen: love love love love love love love love love love

Louis: you're annoying again

EdwardCullen: no i'm not :-(

Louis: you are

EdwardCullen: but you like me

Louis: yeah i do

EdwardCullen: :-D

Louis: i'll stop if you always send this shit

EdwardCullen: i think you like everything i do

Louis: definitely not

EdwardCullen: some things? :-/

Louis: maybe

Louis: but for sure i like you :)


Do you ship Liam with Zayn or Niall? :D


[137 Words]

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