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Fairy: louis?

Louis: yeah? :)

Fairy: do you think i'm disgusting?

Louis: no, definitely not, even if I said it once

Fairy: do you think i'm mentally ill?

Louis: no, bloody hell, why are you asking these questions?

Fairy: do you think i'm a perverse pedophile?

Louis: pedophilia denotes the sexual interest in children who have not reached puberty yet

Louis: you know, i've already reached puberty so strictly speaking you're not

Fairy: but you're so fucking young

Louis: hey, maybe i am, but don't ever think that you're disgusting or something like that, okay?

Louis: i like you, even if you're twelve years older

Fairy: would you like to go on a date with me?

Louis: edward...

Fairy: sorry it was a dumb question

Fairy: nevermind

Louis: i just don't think it would end well

Louis: and i don't even know who you are

Fairy: yeah i know, forget it

Louis: but if you really want to and if I get to now you in real life first, then I would say yes

Fairy: really?

Louis: if we get along well in real life, why not?

Fairy: so, if you wouldn't like me in real life you would not?

Louis: nobody would go on a date with someone he doesn't like, right?

Fairy: yeah right...


I enjoy writing this story so much omfg :D


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