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Louis: hey again :)

Joker: shouldn't you be at school right now?

Louis: i am

Louis: english lesson

Joker: and the teacher says it's okay if you text someone during the lesson?

Louis: no we have to write a little poem, but i've literally no ideas and my teachers phone gets his full concentration, so he doesn't even notice i'm texting you

Joker: oh okay

Louis: honestly i like english (it's my language so i have to, i guess) but i fucking hate my teacher

Louis: he is young and does not look bad but he is so strict and unfriendly

Louis: and i think he hates me

Louis: he always looks at me like 'hey boy you shouldn't be born'

Louis: i hate him so much

Joker: uhm... wich teacher?

Louis: do you know Harry Styles?

Joker: yeah ...

Louis: then you know who i hate most of the entire school

Joker: i don't think he's the worst

Louis: but i do

Joker: you're rude

Joker: you don't even know him

Louis: and i don't wanna know him

Joker: you can't hate him without any reasons

Louis: i told you the reasons

StylesProtector: but they don't count

Louis: they do

StylesProtector: no

Louis: shit Styles is coming to my place

Louis: gotta go

Louis: bye


Poor lil Harry


[221 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now