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Louis: guess what? i'm not gonna do my english homework

LovelyPrincess: why?

Louis: cause... idk really

Louis: i just wanna hit Styles and tell him how much i hate him

Louis: but i can't so i'm just not gonna do my homework

LovelyPrincess: god calm down you silly baby

Louis: i'm a badboy

LovelyPrincess: you're just silly

Louis: now you're the rude one

LovelyPrincess: no, i'm just tellin' you the truth

Louis: shut the fuck up then

LovelyPrincess: yeah ...

Louis: thanks

Louis: hey, can you do me a favor?

LovelyPrincess: what

Louis: tell me a name that i can call you

Louis: it's weird to talk to someone who never told you his name

Louis: doesn't have to be your real name

Louis: just a random name

LovelyPrincess: Edward :-)

Louis: like Edward Cullen?

EdwardCullen: exactly

Louis: damn

Louis: you're a vampire? that's pretty cool

EdwardCullen: i'm pretty cool

Louis: don't think so

EdwardCullen: hey! :-(

Louis: honestly you can't be cool when you always do this :-) and this :-( and this :-D

EdwardCullen: you don't know real coolness

Louis: mhm sure :P

EdwardCullen: i say it again, rude

Louis: okay maybe you're a cool, but just a little bit :)


James Cordon or Nick Grimshaw?


[206 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now