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Harry Pov.

It had taken some time since I was arrested and I had given up hope that Louis would come over. My heart hurt when I thought to long about that, but on the other hand, I also knew that he probably wasn't allowed to visit me.

I poked around in my food listless and stared at the tabletop as someone took place beside me.

''Hey gay'' Herman greated me and gave me a smile as I looked up.

''Wow, I told you I'm a gay teacher who's in love with a fifteen year old kid and you're still talking to me'' I mumbled and his hand landed on my shoulder.

''Surprise, surprise'' He grinned and rubbed my back gently. ''You have to eat something, fairy. I'm sure Lewis doesn't want you to become anorexic here.''

''First of all his name is Louis. And why should I become anorexic?'' I murmured and bit my lip. ''I'm just not hungry at all.''

''I totally understand if you're not hungry but eating is important, don't forget that.''

Sighing, I agreed and blinked tiredly. Since I had hardly slept last night, I was unbelievably tired and could barely stand on my feet. I yawned heartily and lowered my head to Herman's shoulder, who gave me an uncertain look.

''What do you think you are doing?''

''Being tired as fuck'' I whispered and closed my eyes.

''I told you not to touch me.''

''I'm pretty sure you will not become gay just because I touch you.''

''I'm sure of that, but still. I have nothing against you, but... yeah, you know'' He said and started eating.

''Your homophobia is showing'' I hummed and yawned again.

''I am not a homophobic!'' Herman hissed upset and made me giggle.

''Yeah, you really do love people like me.''

''Oh shut up, you fucking prick.''

''Maybe talking to me makes you become homosexual. Thought about that?''

''I don't have to think about shit like that because it's nonsense'' He said annoyed and I leaned back against him, crossing my arms over my chest.

''You really want to find out where my limits are, right?''

''Not really, I just want someone with whom I can talk here and maybe even be friends, after all, I'm here for two years now.''

''Maybe I don't wanna be your friend'' He retorted and I smirked.

''In order to not get along well with me, you should be a little meaner.''

''That isn't really difficult, you disgusting faggot.''

He said it quite serious, but when he briefly stroked my arm, he signaled that it was just fun.

''Hello, new friend'' I responded and he laughed quietly, shaking his head.

''I'm not your friend.''

''We'll see'' I smiled but he didn't say anything and rolled his eyes.

''Harry Styles!'' Suddenly a loud voice sounded. ''Someone is here to see you.''


I personally like Herman a lot.

Second chapter for today because this story just reached 10k votes oh my freaking god. Thank you so much!! :)


[506 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now