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Louis: god damn i hate Styles

StylesProtector: where the hell have you been?

Louis: my fucking teacher took my phone

Louis: i got it back after school

StylesProtector: you deserve it

StylesProtector: concentrate and listen at school

Louis: who are you? my mum?

Mum: no

Louis: but you sound like her

Mum: not my problem m8

Louis: you're right but stop sayin' things like her

Mum: fine

Louis: thanks

LovelyPrincess: i love you

LovelyPrincess: i'll do anything for you

Louis: whoa stop

LovelyPrincess: just sayin'

Louis: then ... tell me who you are?

LovelyPrincess: okay, maybe i'm not gonna do anything for you

LovelyPrincess: you ruined the romantic Louis

Louis: oops

LovelyPrincess: no, not 'oops'

LovelyPrincess: say sorry :-(

Louis: honestly i'm so sorry, baby

Louis: please forgive me

Louis: fuck me, spank me, insult me

Louis: xD

LovelyPrincess: i'll take that as an invite :-)

Louis: do whatever you want 8==D

LovelyPrincess: i will


What's your favorite song? <3


[162 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now