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Fairy: hey love :-)

Louis: god damn these emojis

Louis: these creepy things aren't even worth being called emojis. let's call them shitty-faces

Daddy: no we're not going to call them shitty-faces

Louis: whatever you say big guy

Daddy: i am big

Louis: god please help me

Daddy: i'm hungry

Daddy: can I eat you out?

Louis: please shut up you dumb idiot :P

Daddy: i'm not a dumb idiot

Louis: you are, but don't worry

Louis: i like dumb idiots like you

Daddy: good to know

Daddy: so the main reason why i'm texting you is, that i wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a wedding with me

Louis: a wedding?

Daddy: yes Nick, one of my best friends, is going to marry next weekend and i'd love to go there with you

Louis: wouldn't it look a bit weird?

Daddy: you mean cause i'm such an old man

Louis: yes grandpa

Daddy: i don't care and i'm sure no one would mind

Daddy: we just shouldn't kiss each other or something like that but we could spend some time together

Daddy: wanna be my accompaniment?

Louis: yeah sure <3

Daddy: yayy thank you :-D

Louis: you're welcome sweetheart

Daddy: i'm not a sweetheart

Louis: pff you're the most adorable, loving, caring and cutest person i know

Daddy: i'm a dangerous

Daddy: and cool

Louis: sure haha

Daddy: tz

Daddy: but you like me as the weird person i am and that's more important than anything

Louis: i'd like you even if you wore pink skirts, mini dresses and bras


Nick yes or no?


[275 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now