● 33 ●

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As we arrived at the football stadium where The Fray was going to perform my heart was beating abnormally fast.

''Calm down'' Harry smirked, as I jumped out of the car, and followed right behind me.

''I'm so freaking excited oh god, I can't... I can't calm down! Thank you so fucking much for taking me with you. I can't explain how much this means to me.''

''So, I'll be your favourite teacher after that?'' He joked with a cute and shy little smile.

''Definitely yes! I'm so happy that your sister couldn't make it!''

''Yeah, Gemma's going to join the stag night of her best friend today. I'm glad you're able to go with me.''

Wait. Gemma?

That name sounded familiar to me, but I didn't know where I had heard before.

''Come on. Lets go inside'' Harry said and grabbed my arm.

We went to the queue which was outside the stadium and stopped behind two girls with fanshirts. They sang 'How to save a life' and danced like... I didn't know really. I wasn't able to describe it.

''Is it okay for you that we'll stay at a hotel after the concert?'' The curly man beside me asked suddenly and looked at me a bit worried.

''Yeah... I guess.''

''We don't have to sleep in the same bed if you don't want too, I just-''

''Wait. One bed?'' I interrupted him and he blushed.

''Yeah, I thought it would be... not so expensive.''

''Oh... yeah it's okay, I think.''

It was definitely not okay, cause I didn't want to sleep in one bed with my teacher.

But he'd pay for the room and I didn't want him to spent too much money for me.


Well, Harry was a creep.

The concert had already begun, but before that happened and we were queuing up, my english teacher got some drinks, cause waiting was quite boring.

And as he started drinking he became a little weird. It was not much alcohol, but enough, that he was acting different.

He always had his hands on my body and wanted to cuddle with me.

It was not like I was annoyed or found it revolting, but it was strange.

''Do you enjoy the concert?'' Harry asked as The Fray started a new song.

''Yeah i do! Thank you for taking me with you.''

''Hey, can you two faggots please go away?'' A younger lady said with unconcealed disgust in her voice as Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his body against mine.

''Hey, can you please just fuck off. We didn't do anything wrong. We're not two cocksuckers, okay?'' I replied and looked back at my teacher whos face turned red.

''Yeah'' He whispered and at that moment I recognized that he definitely was gay. Shit.

''I'm sorry! I don't have anything against gay people'' I apologized quickly and he stepped a bit away from me.

''I'm fine.''


What do you think? :)


[498 Words]

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