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Fairy: how was it spending the afternoon with Harry?

Louis: not as bad as i thought it would be

Fairy: sounds great

Louis: what are u doin'?

Fairy: i'm watching a boring show on TV

Fairy: what about you?

Louis: i'm doing my maths homework

Fairy: so i better leave you alone? :-)

Louis: no, please don't

Louis: tell me something about you

Fairy: like what?

Louis: like your favourite sports or films or something like that

Fairy: oh okay

Fairy: my favorite sports are sleeping und eating

Louis: mine too

Fairy: i really like Titanic

Louis: oh god no

Louis: too sad for me xD

Fairy: my first word was 'cat'

Louis: nawww

Fairy: the name of my sister is Gemma

Fairy: i like sleeping naked

Louis: too much information

Fairy: :-)

Fairy: now tell me something about you

Louis: my full name is Louis William Tomlinson

Louis: i'm an awful cook

Louis: i prefer a kiss more than a hug

Louis: i love The Fray

Louis: yeah that's it

Fairy: so if we'll ever meet you'd like to kiss me?

Louis: i'd like to hug and kiss u :)


Do you like Ed Sheeran? :D


[198 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now