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Fairy: hey wanna hear some awesome jokes?

Louis: hahahhagshahahhahahaha

Fairy: why are you laughing?

Louis: because you sayin' you're gonna tell some awesome jokes is the funniest thing i've ever heard

Fairy: rude again

Louis: you mean honest ;)

Fairy: not really

Fairy: i wanna show you my talent at telling jokes :-)

Louis: fine go ahead ._.

Fairy: yeaaaah! thank you love :-D

Louis: you're welcome

Fairy: oh my god! you didn't even tell me to shut up or something like that as i called you love

Louis: just tell your stupid jokes :)

Fairy: okay :-))

Fairy: what's the difference between a fly and a bird

Louis: don't know (and i'm pretty sure i don't want to know it) but tell me

Fairy: a bird can fly but a fly can't bird

Fairy: hahahahaha

Louis: not funny m8, not funny

Fairy: okay let me tell you another one

Louis: * runs away *

Fairy: no please don't :-(

Louis: okay, okay

Louis: * comes back and knows he's going to dye 'cause of stupid jokes *

Fairy: what does the baboon say to the giraffe?

Louis: tell me .-.

Fairy: 'why such a long face?' because he thought the giraffes neck was its face hahahahahahahshshhdhshahahhaha

Louis: gotta go now

Fairy: nooo :'-(

Louis: my mum wants me to clean the kitchen

Fairy: and i want you to suck my dick

Fairy: you can't always get everything you want



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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now