● 26 ●

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Louis: oh my god please help me

Fairy: what's up

Louis: you know i'm at the cinema right now, do you?

Fairy: sure

Louis: and i sat beside Harry and as something scary happend i grabbed his crotch ...

Fairy: really?

Louis: yeah .-.


Fairy: oh my god hahaha

Louis: that's not funny!

Fairy: it is :-D

Louis: maybe he'd like to kill me now

Fairy: just because you had your hand on his cock and balls

Louis: ...

Fairy: i mean i'm sure he's wearing jeans or so

Fairy: you didn't REALLY touch is dick

Louis: you're awesome help ._.

Fairy: you're welcome ;-)

Louis: what should i do now?

Fairy: don't know... maybe just say nothing about that

Louis: but what if he says something

Fairy: then he does :-P

Louis: wow thanks -.-

Fairy: i'm helping everyone like a superhero

Fairy: hey guess my name

Louis: ??

Louis: sorry i don't get it

Fairy: i'm a superhero

Fairy: guess my name

Louis: well

Louis: spiderman?

Fairy: your man

Fairy: :-)

Louis: aww

Louis: but that does not help me at all with the Harry-dick-problem

Fairy: yeah but it makes you smile

Fairy: i'm sure it makes you smile :-D

Louis: it does

Louis: but smiling does not solve problems

Fairy: but it makes you happy


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[225 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now