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After talking with Theo for a while, we went to one of those pools with high walls and low benches, which protected you from the gazes of passing people.

At first we just cuddled but then I turned on Harry's lap and we began to snog around.

Everything was perfect. At least for a few minutes.

Because when he pushed his hands into my swimming trunks and pulled me closer, a startled cry suddenly sounded behind us.

I turned around terrified and my heart started racing as I caught sight of two familiar girls.

They both stared at us frightened and I looked certainly just as scared.

When I glanced at Harry for a moment, I just got more nervous. His face was deathly pale and his eyes were filled with fear.

''Oh my... What the actual hell?'' Eleanor produced and descended the ladder into the pool, led by Danielle.

What were they fucking doing here?

Harry wasn't able to say a word, I could only feel him taking his hands out of my pants and wrapping his arms around me as if he wanted to protect me.

So I took over speaking, at least for the moment.

''You'd ruin our lives if you... I mean, please don't tell anyone'' Was the first thing that came over my lips.

''What? That our English teacher has an affair with a student?'' Eleanor retorted with widened eyes. ''Holy shit, why didn't I ever notice?''

''It is not an affair but a relationship'' I contradicted in a fragile voice.

''Oh my God, it was the best decision we ever made to go to the spa today!'' Danielle exclaimed enthusiastically. ''We have uncovered an illegal relationship! And that at our boring school!''

Harry's fingers dug into my hips as she said that.

''Now we can blackmail you'' Eleanor said and I swallowed. Seconds later, she simply laughed and rolled her eyes.

''Don't worry. It's not our business. You can do whatever you want, we won't tell anyone about your little romance. Am I right, Danielle?''

Eleanor turned to her bestfriend and Danielle nodded, grinning at us.

''Seriously?'' I asked disbelieving.

''Why should we tell someone? Except Mr. Styles forces you to something'' Danielle replied and raised her eyebrows.

''He would never do that!'' I said immediately and she smirked.

''You look like two frightened deer in the trap. Calm down. We really won't tell anyone.''

''But you must tell us how you came together'' Eleanor demanded and looked at us expectantly.

''Well, I... I just texted him'' Harry murmured and pulled me close to his body.

''And you texted him back, even though you knew he's your teacher?'' Danielle questioned me unbelieving.

''I didn't know it. And I'm glad about that. Because if I had known from the beginning, I would have never given him a chance. And that would have been the biggest mistake of my life'' I answered quietly.


Do you think Eleanor or Danielle will tell someone or do you think Harry and Louis can trust them?


[510 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now