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Fairy: hey louis

Fairy: i know you don't want to talk to me

Fairy: but i won't give up and i won't stop thinking of you all the time

Fairy: it's hard to tell your mind stop loving someone when your heart still does

Fairy: please don't jugde me if you don't even know me

Fairy: i know 27 isn't as young as you are

Fairy: but in my opinion it does not really matter

Fairy: there are some couples out there aged 20 and 34 for example

Fairy: okay bad example

Fairy: let me say 16 and 29

Fairy: i know you're not goin' to reply so...

Fairy: don't forget i love you

Fairy: pretty much

Louis: i won't

Fairy: OH MY GOD

Louis: calm down

Fairy: I CAN'T

Fairy: i'm so happy right now

Fairy: thank you so much

Louis: for nothing?

Fairy: no, thank you for answering

Louis: i just said i won't forget that a pedophile is loving me with his entire heart

Fairy: i'm not a pedophile

Louis: sure

Fairy: i am not!

Louis: and i'm Lady Gaga

Fairy: uh great

Louis: stop joking

Fairy: sorry

Louis: yeah ...

Fairy: why do you still talk to me

Fairy: don't get me wrong, i'm the happiest man of the world 'cause you texted me again

Fairy: but it seemed like you wanted to hate me for the rest of your life

Louis: i did

Louis: but maybe i... don't know...  overreacted a little bit

Louis: and i'm sorry for that

Louis: you're not an awful person

Louis: and you're not disgusting

Louis: i'm sorry for saying all these bad and rude things

Louis: and i'm sorry for telling you to fuck off

Louis: honestly i don't want you to fuck off

Louis: sorry for being a dumbass

Fairy: you don't know how much this means to me

Fairy: thank you for saying that

Louis: so we're alright now? .-.

Fairy: yeah we are :-))

Louis: :-)


Little drama for the beginning of the story is over :D


[341 Wörter]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now