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When I woke up close to Harry the next morning and looked up at his face in a sleepy mood, a smile crept on my lips.

He was still asleep, looking incredibly peaceful.

Satisfied sighing, I snuggled up to him and just enjoyed his closeness.

My heart beat faster than usual when I suddenly felt Harry's hand on my hip and he pressed his face against my neck a little later.

''Good morning'' He mumbled softly and placed a kiss on my skin.

''Morning. Did you sleep well?''

''Yeah, I definitely did. What about you?'' He answered, wrapping his arms thight around my body.

''I loved sleeping together with you in that damn comfortable bed. And you are freaking cute when you're asleep.''

Harry laughed and I grinned silently to myself.

''Do you wanna have some breakfast?'' He asked after he had finished laughing, and god, his laugh was the cutest thing I had ever heard.


Only minutes later we sat in the kitchen with a simple breakfast and I nibbled on a muffin.

''You look damn gorgeous in these underpants'' Harry suddenly said and blushed.

I looked down at myself and frowned.

I didn't have a completely flat stomach and when I was sitting I had a small belly fold that I hated abysmally.

Well, I was not looking good and definitely not gorgeous.

Not like him. He was trained and had a defined body.

In disgust I looked back at the muffin in my hand and put it back on the plate.

''What's wrong?'' Harry asked confused.

''Everything is fine.''

''Well, you looked at yourself and then... you stopped eating.''

''I'm not hungry anymore.''

''Nonsense. What's wrong?''

''I don't want to sound like a desperate thirteen-year-old girl'' I said and crossed my arms.

''Come on. Tell me.''

''As you wish. I'm fat.''

Harry stared at me as if I had just told him that I was his biological father

''What the fuck are you saying? Did you never look at yourself in the mirror? You're skinny and pretty.''

''Well, you've to say that. You want me to love you.''

''You're joking, am I right? Never ever say stupid things like you're fat. You're fucking perfect. Listen, everyone sometimes thinks he or she is ugly and stuff like that. But, hey, nobody is ugly. Everyone is pretty and some day all the people will understand why others call them cool and beautiful. And I don't call you perfect 'cause I love you. I call you perfect because it's true.''


Are you comfortable with your body?


[433 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now