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I barely managed not to cry when Simba's father died, as I sat on Harrys lap and next to Lottie on the couch.

He had his arms around me and Lottie had her head leaned against him.

I enjoyed this moment incredibly. Even though I was about to burst into tears.

After the movie, we ate pizza and just spent time with my little sister, who was quite ecstatic about Harry.

Lottie got tired in the early evening, but didn't want to go to bed alone because she was afraid that bad hyenas might get her.

She asked if she could sleep with us in my room and Harry agreed. He seemed to have no problem with Lottie's sometimes pushy and exhausting manner, even though she hadn't left him alone the entire day.

''If she annoys you, you have to tell me'' I whispered as we layed down on my bed at half past six and he switched off the lights.

''Everything's fine'' He replied, wrapped is arms around my body and pulled me to his chest.

''Have sweet dreams'' Lottie mumbled, who had snuggled up to me.

''You too'' I murmured and sighed when I felt Harrys lips on my skin as he kissed my neck softly.



Two days later on Monday I went to school a little bit earlier than usual.

Luckily my parents didn't meet Harry and Lottie didn't say anything about him. Everything was great, so there was nothing to worry about.

Harry was already waiting for me in classroom and immediately closed the door behind me after I had come in.

''Hi'' He greeted me in a harsh voice, put me on the teacher's desk and kissed me lovingly.

''Hey'' I replied and smirked up at him, before he kissed me again, a little more imperious this time.

He put his hands on my thighs, spread my legs slightly and slipped between them.

''I missed you'' He breathed as he kissed my jaw.

''You haven't been away that long'' I giggled and he grinned at me.

''Long enough.''

He kissed me passionately again and drew me closer to him, when suddenly the door opened and Harry let go of me immediately.

Frightened, I looked behind him, but my racing heart gradually calmed down as I saw who had caught us.

''Are you two really such idiots?'' My best friend scolded, staring at us sternly as he went into the classroom. ''Why don't you fuck each other right in front of the headmaster? Pay attention to what you do where and lock the room up. Bloody hell, I can't believe how dumb you are.''


If you were Louis' best friend would you support a relationship with Harry?


[456 Words]

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