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Welcome to the world where you'll give in to his and your lust combined, yours truly's book, Diabolik Thoughts. Let me clear one thing before we advance: this isn't pure lemon. I suck at it, I more like nail at the heating-up part, if you get what I mean. I'll stop from there, and I'll leave you lovely readers in a cliffhanger. You go continue it with your creative imaginations. 😃

I've never written one-shots. Wait no. I've had over millions of scratches of stories and I never had the guts to publish one. Yeah. This will be the very first. I don't know where the encouragement and bravery come from but I'm actually doing it, finally. I'm typing right this very moment, unaware if this book will progress as I want it to. Bear with me lovely girls, but I'll try my very best.

I know this is weird, I mean,  Diabolik Lovers was first shown to the whole world—man the description sucks—back in 2012, 2013 or something along those year yet here I am, publishing this book far too late. Hundreds of authors have already published their own books in the right time while I haven't. Heck they're even great, great books. (i've read all of them). Now how can this even get reads?😂 But yeah, whatever. I'm in this already, no turning back.

Just a piece of advice tho, read any of the chapters at night or anywhere peacefully quiet. Seriously, you'll feel the feels better. I know you girls have your own reading patterns, we all do. I'm not forcing you to read it my way or anything but this really works. I mean... generally if you read something in a rush or if you read when you're bored, what's the point of reading? You won't absorb anything, you just read, you don't understand. Ya get me? I'm a bookworm I promote books so yeah😂

And if you're looking for a playlist or something then here are my personal picks. All Of The Stars; Ed Sheeran, Call It What You Want; Taylor Swift, Dark Side; Phoebe Ryan and Suitcase; Before You Exit. Yeah. And repeat. And repeat. It kind of matches the story plot, seriously, it's the very songs that happen to play everytime I type here my one-shots so eventually it suited. Try it, or basically any slow songs at that. If you want you could listen to all the Character Songs of those hot vampires, who knows?😜

Okay, I don't know how the wattpad system works since I never knew what and how it feels like to have your story exposed to millions of readers, but you can openly suggest and request all your thoughts out. After all two is better than one. Or three or so is better than one😉. So yeah, I'm open for discussion may it be your ideas even your negative remarks. Seriously, I'm more than used to all of it. I'll be your author all through out this book, yarxxz,

.....and I'll take out your inner demons.

Kidding. Let's get started!

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