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Gulp. They used to sip just enough. All of them used to sip just enough of your blood. It's a torture, a constant torture you find painfully arousing at the same time. Gulp. Sure their bloodsucking makes you dizzy, all of them do, but never beyond weak. Never past that. They know their limits, they know exactly when to stop. Gulp. Now... you realized one of them doesn't. Gulp. You grip a handful of his shirt, tugging it. He's been sucking for too long, he has sucked too much. "Yu—Yuma..." You stuttered, arching your back as you tried to squirm. "Yuma..." You choked his name, breaking free of his tight hold as he dismisses you and continued sucking. "Stop." You breathed, catching your breath as you fall back lightheaded in his bed. "S-stop." You repeated, limply digging your nails hard in his back as his fangs deepened through your flesh. You were begging for mercy, for his mercy, and he's certainly not giving it. Not tonight. Your eyes droop, your grip loosens. This is it, you've lost an awful amount of blood. He withdrew from your neck, amused as he take a look at your half-asleep state. "Sow.. " He whispered, tracing your face, your chin, the buttons of your clothes all the way down to your thighs. He smirked, then slowly, Yuma takes you there.

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