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This is the first time. First time the prone to cuts Azusa acted protective. So, very protective. Protective in a way that when he accidentally caught you cutting your wrists, he rushed to stop you from cutting your skin any further. Protective in a way that he snatched the blade away from your bloodstained hands, threw it out of your reach. Unbelievably protective, in a way that he held both your bleeding wrists, pressed onto them real hard to stop the blood from flowing out. "Y/n..." Said Azusa, sad eyes getting sadder at your devastated state. "You can'" He looked blankly in your lost ones. "You don't...hurt...yourself..." He trails off, intertwining his bloody hands to yours. "If...there's someone...who would...have.. to...hurt their self.., it...shouldn't be..." He paused, "" He finished. He squeezed your hands, unable to stand the thought of you maybe to become like him. "" You started crying, from a single stray tear to a waterfall almost, and as the green haired stood up from  his knees he pulled you in his arms. In his warm, protective arms.

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