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Thank you so much for the support! I can't believe it, Diabolik Thoughts has reached 2k! I'm so happy that I typed this special I prepared just for you. So sit back, relax and read to your heart's content♥️

2k Special

Among the Diaboys,


Me and this guy are so very alike in three things. One, I'm lazy. Like him. Maybe not as lazy as him but I still possess the same laziness (most of us teenagers do). I don't do things in my own accord-in the house at the least-I only move around to do this and that whenever I was told to or if miraculously, I feel the need to. So yeah. But I'm not lazy in general nuh-uh. That's not my thing.

Second, I'm an earphone freak. I wear earphones like all the time. Not once would you see me without my earphones on (except school) and when I wear one you don't want to disturb me. I just really love listening to music, it's kind of soothing in a way that it blocks off all the noises of the world from me. It's like: earphones in, problems out. Yeaaahhh🤘. Seriously, I can't be bothered. I literally won't hear anything including my monster of a dad's voice and all his bullshit.

That's the third. Me and Shu both get verbally abused. Only his was from his younger brother but mine's more painful coz it's from my father of all people. Not just him but the whole family even my little brother. And like how Shu dismiss every harsh word I do the same. Like how he looked unaffected, I feel the same. Yeah, I think that's all. (c'mon yarixz stop the drama)


This guy's sooo me, really. Not because he's silent nor he's shy-god i'm completely opposite of those-but because he's like the guy version of me: the fucked up one at that. Know what I'm sayin'? Like, I cut myself. Not the entire body tho but just the wrist. (that doesn't change the fact that I still cut so..) Yeah. Like him I'm used to pain. And like him pain is my friend. We're the product of pain, and how we keep surviving it.

I don't know, I guess I grew numb after everything I've been through, everything I've heard and felt. This is the first time I said this in social media so I don't know whatever your reaction would be but I just want to enlighten you how depression once destroyed me, to finally spare the burden in my shoulders, for good. (i just said to stop the drama geez😑😂) okay moving on.


This dude meanwhile, is the bookworm version of me. I just really, really love to read. Like, I could go on reading my whole life, eat books, poop books, die and be buried to books. Yep😂. I don't know why of all things I'm so in love with books but all I know is that I've been fond of books since I came out of my mother's womb.

There's just something about them that I love, that draws me in. May it be their smell, the pages, the stories-i just can't😂. And books are my therapy. It's proven to always pacify my inner demons. Like some negative energy absorber. Is that even a word? But yeah what I'm saying is Ruki and I are the same when it comes to books. Count Reiji too coz he has a freaking library. #Booksarelife📚


I'm not necessarily bipolar-thank god I wasn't-so i'm not with Kanato there but me and that purple haired have something in common: we talk to our teddy bear🐻 Yeah, talk about weirdos. I bet you're already getting creeped out. But really, I talk to them, which only means I'm talking to myself. It sounds insane but it's been a weird habit of mine since my weird childhood.

I have some stuff toys in the house-my favorite one is Baymax-and I talk to them as if they are my close friends and that they could understand me, laugh in front of them, do stuffs as if they are watching to begin with. It's crazy but I was thinking they could see me. With everything I do. Like they could see whatever I do in their own world so whenever I'm around them or as far as their eyes can see me, I act as me.

Creepy? Nah. We both make the dead living in our minds so deal with it. Second I'm as fond to sweets as him. I have this sweet tooth, alright. And I love sweets. Super. I can eat the sweetest of the sweet sweets without getting diarrhea the next day or diabetes in the future😂. I eat everything that is sweet. What people deemed was too sweet is just mild to me. And hey, there's this survey that says chocolate helps improve your math skills so all the sweets I ate should have me genius in math by now. In which, NOPE.😫


I'm as bubbly as this guy. I'm naturally a happy person outside that you wouldn't even guess I've got shitty issues I'm dealing with all by myself deep inside. Like, even if I cry, get depressed and mad, I smile, laugh and crack jokes as much. My positivity and negativity are neutral. To put it short I'm both optimistic and pessimistic. Not to say Kou's like that, but I'm the same happy virus.

That's the last! Sorry I talked too much, I just really love to tell people some random things about myself and I couldn't help it. So to all of you, call me cliché but don't be ashamed of who you are and what makes you, you. It's your sense of uniqueness among all the homo sapiens in all of Earth so flaunt it and be proud of it. I love you vamps, I love you very much for reading my book🙌👌💖💋💓💟💝

Now to finish off this chapter, I want to ask you to do one thing. One thing that would mean the world to me if you do😁. After reading this, could you please comment down below how are you liking Diabolik Thoughts? No matter what your answer is, long or short, positive or negative I'll appreciate it😍. Is there something in Diabolik Thoughts that makes you keep reading it? What's your reviews I wanna hear it! All of it!

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