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You closed your eyes shut. Painfully closed your eyes shut. You're used to this. Used to everyone sucking, wanting your blood. You were used to it, you even got the hang of it. Why all of it turns upside down when this white haired vampire does it, you don't know. You feel the excruciating pain opposite of his groans of pleasure, and as he drink all of you, dizziness consumed you. He went up your ear, nibbling on the weak spot. "Moan." Subaru ordered, biting it which made you whimper in response. "Let it out. Loud." He whispered, voice deep and rich as he tilted your neck on the other side, ready for the next round. "When my fangs enter your skin, you don't hesitate to moan. You moan, that's all you should do." He said, and even before you can weakly respond he had delved his fangs on your neck, instinctively making you moan. You were weak, too weak to fight back, to weak to resist. It's hard to give in to him, hardly difficult to even hold back of his hot kisses, of his licks. He smiled through your neck, licking his way up. "Louder." He demanded, and when he reaches your luscious lips, you did. You really did.

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