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"You better get a bigger coffin if you want us to sleep together," You whispered, laying rather just fine in Subaru's coffin as you snuggled to him, closer. "Mm.." He  hummed in agreement, giving you feather light kisses on your exposed shoulder blade as he has access to it, what with half his body on top of you. "I think I should." His lips traveled its way up, his arms around you pulling you closer. You closed your eyes, smiling at his lip's contact against your skin and especially at the thought. If that happens, you wouldn't have a hard time to sleep. You wouldn't have to worry in general. You're just gonna lay there with Subaru and everything will fall right into place. You in his arms, in his coffin, cuddling, sleeping. It's perfect. He kissed the side of your mouth, making you open your eyes and adjust yourself until you're completely facing him side to side. "Let's stay like this for a while," He breathes, hand sliding up to hold your cheek. He kissed you, pulling away and getting back to it until he took you by surprise with a full length kiss. You kissed Subaru back, his coffin overflowing with your love.

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