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Staying at the Sakamaki Mansion isn't the hardest thing ever. Living with the 6 sadistic vampires in there isn't either.  You realized as you huffed in irritation, it's waking Shu Sakamaki from his sleep. Usually he looks deep in sleep when he's actually awake, but when he gets into sleeping he'll be awfully out for days. Like today ."Shu." You shake him, adding a little more force now unlike just poking him earlier. No, you bit your lip, not this day. After a while you shake him once more, finally stirring him up. "What?..." He muttered, sloppily turning at the other side as he slumped a pillow over his head. "You're asking me that?." You deadpanned in ridicule. "Don't tell me you forget." You snapped, voice laced with disappointment as you whispered the last part. After hearing you Shu opens one eye, realizing just how important this day is. He then turned to face you, rested his chin on hid hand. Or maybe he didn't. "Happy Anniversary."

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