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Dear readers,

I know it's been quite a long time since I last updated this incredibly amazing book-a lot has happened then as well, but I just want to say thank you, each and everyone one you yes you're one of them, from the bottom of the bottom of my heart. Diabolik Thoughts wouldn't have reached 3.53k reads if not for you. Knowing that you guys still read some even though I haven't been updating is overwhelming. Specially knowing that Diabolik Thoughts get to be in Rank 800, just wow. Thank you guys so much.

I started writing drafts for this book December last year so Diabolik Thoughts is 8 months old already, and back then if somebody told me I would publish a book Christmas that year and get a thousand reads for roughly 3 months, I'd call them crazy. It's just I never ever imagined my book would even get reads the first time around. I wasn't really expecting for it. But, you all suprised me and even helped this book thrive for the past months. You really made me so happy, even lifted my spirits up.

I loved Diabolik Lovers so much that nearly every day, I wrote as much oneshots as I can. Guess that's how powerful they are as an inspiration to me. I wrote, updated, repeat. I gave my all in this book I always forget to answer all my assignments. I priorotized this just to entertain you all. To put a smile on your face and bring back the Diabolik Lovers hype many years had passed. I was so inspired. And with all the reads and votes, lovely comments, they were all paid off.

I love you guys, really. I mean, this is crazy. I have a book on wattpad, with thousands of reads and counting. With readers from around the globe and more to come. I have a freaking book on wattpad and it's always been a dream of me to have a book of my own and have someone, anyone, to notice it. To compliment it. To appreciate it. Now it came true. It finally came true and this is real. This is real. You, you guys are real. Oh my god. I'm so blessed.

This book is the most precious thing to me as of now. You too. I will always be thankful to you. Again and again if I have to, I'll forever say thanks. I'm not saying goodbye if that is what you're thinking-never. Diabolik Thoughts will continue for as long as it takes. Even if the world has forgotten it this book will always remind them of it. I just simply ran out of ideas, is all lol. It's that simple😂 I may be empty-handed now, but I'll come back with much better, sweeter, much hotter chapters and you will all wait for it.

Plus I'm working on another book now, who's excited? I mentioned this in the introduction of the new book and it's because of the success of Diabolik Thoughts that I was beyond motivated to write a brand new book inspired by the anime aside from Diabolik Lovers that took my breath away. Free! Eternal Summer. Whoo! lol. I also got addicted to this, that's why I didn't hesitate to plan it out and make it for real. I have over 39 chapters by now, to be published soon.

It will be entitled Free! Eternal Thoughts, Eternal Thoughts for short. I figured all my books should have to have Thoughts in their titles, you know, to be unique from all other one-shots book having almost the same titles. I laughed the first time I thought of it so feel free to laugh too. So stick around 'til August because I'll put it out on the first day, same as Nagisa Hazuki's birthday. August 1st guys, mark your calendars HAHA.

I hope you will support Eternal Thoughts the way you did to Diabolik Thoughts, and if you haven't gotten over Free! Eternal Summer then that book is for you. (In fact they're waiting for you already🤣)

Again, Eternal Thoughts, "he will be freer than he ever was, with you."

Until then,

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Until then,


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