For You

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Cliché but, oh well.


"Kou-kun, you did great last night!."-"Oh yes, you did! Your voice as always was graceful!."-"And you looked nice too!." All the girls complimented, running up to him as they crowd around the idol, one which he puts a fake smile on. "You sound so inspired with your songs! I wonder who was it for?." One of them smirked, making the rest of the girls either look away or blush as Kou's fake smile suddenly turned to a genuine smile. For her, the blonde thought, pictures of none other than you filling his head. To be honest, it was always for you. He used to dedicate his songs to his fans but when you came, you have been the reason behind his songs. From the day he met you up to the day he secretly fell in love. You have been the one. Every hits, every chart topper people would instantly love them, and you, who was just supporting him with the profession he's so into, didn't have the slightest clue that it's only just for you. Kou has never been so devoted, and he's sure, that time will come until he would no longer sing his love, but he is to confess in person, soon. "It's for my girl." Kou proudly answered.

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