I Love You

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Placing his chin on top of your shoulder, he kissed your neck, pulled you closer from behind. You noticed how the black haired vampire craves your warmth as he entangled your legs more, made sure you're secured in his arms. You smiled, savoring his touch. Is this even a reading session?, you chuckled. We're more like cuddling in this state. "Y/n." He mumbled, eyes on you instead on the book. You hummed in response, kept your focus on what you're reading. "Look." said Ruki. You're not yet on the page where he's in, and when you land your eyes on what he's referring to, your heart melt. "See what it says?." He run his thumbs on the word, a slight blush in your cheeks as you nod. It's the three magic word. "I love you." You uttered, more to Ruki than saying it out loud. "I love you." You turn to him, smiling. "I know." He dismissed, reading back again. "I love you." You repeated, this time poking his cheek. Tell me you love me too. "I love you." You chanted one last time, and as Ruki's lips broke into a grin he finally, finally said it. "I love you too."

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