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"You smell so sweet, you know that right?." No. You don't know, never known. You never knew what you smell, what you even taste like. You never had an idea for you always find yourself confused with all them set of vampires who'd constantly remind you that you're the most delicious thing they've ever tasted. You never get them. He puts his Teddy down, grabbing both of your shoulders as he turns you completely to face him. Oh yes, there's him. Everything's clear when he's it, you get them. He'd make you understand what everybody else feels, what exactly he feels. His bites would show you why your blood is worth to drive everyone insane. His moan, his moan would remind you that your blood satisfies him, and you'd give him more. More so he could drink to his heart's content. He's the only one, Kanato is. "You never learn to stop teasing me, ne?." He smiled, leaning in, closing his eyes as his head dips down your neck. Then slowly his fangs planted on your skin. He sucked, then he moaned that moan. It resonated wonderfully through your ears that you went along with him as you did in pleasure. And he bites you again, over and over.

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