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Is it just you, or the night has gotten a little colder? You clenched one of your fists, reopened them and close. It's not even winter yet, you thought, shivering and shuffling rather uncomfortably on the stone bench that seems to numb your skin the longer you sit there. Why were you there again?, why are you still there--you mentally corrected as you rub your palms together. Right. Shu. It was all because of him. Everything happened so fast you're still left dumbfounded. He took his fill in that exact same stone bench, left you in that exact same spot. You took a deep, shaky breath. "I'm so cold," You whisper in the air. Suddenly you felt something being wrapped around your nearly freezing body. His sweater. "I thought you left," you deadpan, sensing him sit next to you. Without saying anything he rests his head on your shoulder, closed his eyes shut. "I'm here now." mumbled Shu after a moment. You were about to leave just like he did to you, but, "I'm sleeping. Don't even think about leaving me." And you didn't. The whole night you stayed, as long as there's Shu and his sweater.

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