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With the palms of his one and only dragging down from his face, jaw to his neck, he let nothing out of his mouth but a silent moan. Your palms, hot, sweaty and electrifying in his skin burning with need roamed down, and slowly down. "Mm..." He closed his eyes. More, Azusa thought to himself, realizing how your hands felt better than all the knives he ever scratched his skin with. You bit your lip, remembering his voice almost whispering to your ear. Touch me... he had said. The way he asked that, the way the word slip out of his mouth, you noted the change in it. The need, the want in that monotone voice of his. "Y/n..." He mutters, out of breath as your hands trail lower, lower until you reached his belt, his pants. He moaned your name, moaned it even louder when you unzip it and took hold of what was his.


*runs away*

tune in for more! I have more in stock for you <3 I just wish someone would finally request or something coz I'm slowly running out of ideas... help me with your creative brains! We all have diverse imaginations and i'll be  more than glad to work your thoughts out.

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