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You shot him a glare, it's been the upteenth time that moment. Later, you eyed him, long enough for the blonde to get the message you've been wanting him to understand. He pouted, that cute pout he knows you can't resist. He had a playful grin tugging on his lips, blinking his eyes as he awaits for your answer from where he was seated at the classroom. You shake your head with a small smile, later, you told him yet again. His cheerful smile falls, defeated once more. He so wants to kiss you. Kou really wants to. But even if he does he's still a gentleman to ask for your permission before he do. He promised that. He can't even use his bubbliness as an excuse. You limited his sadism that much he could rarely make a move on you except some sweet little gestures then and there. "Y/n," He tried some after time. Later, is what you keep telling him. After class and getting back home, you were walking on the Mukami Mansion hallways until you were grabbed, pinned on the wall. "Time's up," Kou smirks, leaning down for his deserved kiss. Kissing him back, you both made out, enough to last later.


Thank you so much for 1.88k reads! I've never been so happy my entire ___ years! (HAHAHA) I love every single one of you, no matter who you are, no matter where you are across the world💞

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