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Reading through people's hearts--Kou has never done that. Although he was given that ability he never did use it. To put it short, he's not using it at all. It's just something about the people around him being fake that he can't be bothered reading them let alone their hearts. He knew it wouldn't be worth it, to think he himself is a two-face. When you came, got close to him and all, he hardly notice he was reading you. Always. The blonde don't have the slightest clue if you're aware he's doing it, but Kou hoped not. It's because you're slowly becoming to mean his world to him that he always checks if you're being true with him. To his liking, you're pure and genuine as always. Every smile, laugh, every words you say, gestures you do, they're all real. Straight from your heart. Kou loved that. Kou loved you for being you. "I love you too." You whispered, a smile curling up on your lips as you squeezed your linked hands. A cute blush appeared on your cheeks, and so it did to him when he read you, squeezing your hand back. She means it.

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