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"Can I help you with anything, Reiji?." You asked, impatiently tapping your foot. "You asked me to come over and you don't seem to need anything from me." You said, glaring daggers at him. "Actually, I do." You meet his red piercing eyes. He walks his way to you, a potion in his gloved hand. He stopped inches away from yours that you had to take a step back, and looking back at him, you realized he's still holding your gaze. "Try this." He holds it out. You just asked what your help would be, so you couldn't refuse this one. Taking it, you scan it one last time before chugging all the contents to the last drop. The effect instantly kicks in as soon as you drank it, and the smirk in Reiji's lips you have seen earlier grow wider. What's this?, you want to be pleasured. You feel the need to be pleasured, right here right now. Shit, you were drugged. "Reiji..." You breathed, and you had your way to him.

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