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Something besides all the vampires combined that scares you the most?—Kanato's habitual freefall. Right when you first saw him do that, you never understood why it was his mantra. You remembered how scared and worried you are when you rush down to check up on him only to find him still alive and well. He was you noticed, because he talked back at you. He could still talk back at you like his usually bipolar self. That very moment you stare at him in realization. That there's no one like Kanato who could spout as hurtful words as he does to you... and though it stings, you like it. To you it doesn't mean that he hates you. It means that he's only venting all his anger to you. Yes, he's hard to understand, but it's what keeps you stay. He's hard to understand, but it's what keeps you hooked to the feeling. You feel the need to be always there, beside him, because time will come until he opens up to you. And you'll wait. Wait until a genuine smile would stretch across his lips. "Come, fall with me." He said, waiting. If it's you, you thought, joining in as you embrace him, falling alongside the stars.


This is supposedly about freefall. Like, the freefall itself, yeah. But halfway through typing it I realized they're actually two completely different ideas so I cut it, and continued this one. Also, looking back at all the Kanato chapters, there was never a 'thought'. They're always scenes, no thoughts. So this is the first. What'cha think?

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