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Fluttering your eyes open you find yourself in your room again. In your bed, tucked securely in a blanket. You're supposed to sit up, but you didn't. You remained lying, gaze lost up the ceiling. How long has this been going on? How long have you been like this, clueless every once you wake up? You blinked your sleepy eyes, sighed. Who's taking you back anyway? Who bothers to carry you back to your room right after you fainted in blood loss? It can't be those who bit you. You're conscious long enough to see, to feel them leaving after they drink. You'd fall from your knees-then black. Don't have a clue or two of what'd happen next. In those length of time, he'd take his cue. He'd teleport wherever you were left behind, and his white locks would fall off of his face as he picks you up. He'd grunt as he take in your helpless self, but his red eyes would soon turn soft as he studies your face. He'd hold you tight as he leads you back to your room, and though he could break anything, you're the only thing, only one he couldn't. He'd caress your hair, your face as he lays you gently down, and Subaru would whisper, "I wish I could protect you.", kissing your forehead.

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