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That's it. Read all the books in the shelf, he could clearly recall himself telling you. The coldness in his tone that made your jaw drop at what he just ordered you to do. The irritation in it that to stop you from bothering him any further, he had blurted such thing. The reverse psychology.. in everything Ruki knew he himself did. The coldness in his tone he inwardly regretted, the irritation in it that actually meant he wants you near him and he's mentally denying it. The truth that he likes you. That was long before you aren't together yet. Those memories that amused the black haired to always reminisce. How stubborn you are, how you messed with his mind that eventually drived him crazy for you. You obeyed back then, boy were you scared of him. But you set that aside, as long as you made sure Ruki wouldn't be alone and lonely you did anything. Reading, however, isn't something you can do forever. Roughly three books after you fell asleep, the book slumped in your face. Ruki, confused of his growing feelings for you sighed irritably at your sight, melted at the same time as he found you adorable. "You don't really have to read all of them," He crouched down to you, secretly caressing your face. From that moment he realized he fell for you, hard.

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