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Warning: I made this up.

Like Kanato, Shu had his own possession. If the bipolar teen has his Teddy, then the lazy vampire has his earphones. It was far more decent, but honestly it wasn't really proper either. Sure it fits him, even the mp3 player in his neck makes him look cooler. But still, you find it weird. He has it on anywhere, even in his bath he had it on too. You wonder what music could be in there that deeply comforts him, that deeply soothes him. It's been a question you've always had since then. "Shu, we better get up." You mumbled, patting his hard chest. He had you tightly embraced between his sleeping figure in the couch, and as usual he didn't budge. You slightly shake him, still no response. "Can you even hear me, Shu? Shu." You said, shaking him again. You slip an arm to remove half of his earphone, and checking it out, you find it silent. You put it on once more, and it really was mute. It was all along, as if to shield all the noises in the world from his ears. He soon opens one cobalt blue eye, and your already wide eyes widen even more as he caught you with his earphone. "Now you know it." He sighed, lying back down. He hugged you tighter, pulled you closer. "We're staying here. You'll stay here. That's your punishment."

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