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this is it! The 100th one-shot! I don't know if keep track of my book just right but as far as i know this is the 100th. Not exactly the 100th, but still it's the one-shot, not the chapter itself. So yeah! Let's get started. For the 100th, I give you Carla Tsukinami.


He ran through the pitch black forest, his perfect night sight adjusting in the dark. He was running, running with his four legs as he is in his wolf form. Running back home. He jumped over bushes to bushes, slid through and past the branches blocking his way. He has familiarized the woods over the years, he knows the way in, the way out. He could've gone faster but the more he wants to get back home, the more time seem to slow. Y/n... he thought to himself, I'll be there soon. To his luck, the very castle he lives in was in full sight minutes after. He growled, picking up his pace. Sneaking through the palace doors, he remained in his wolf form. Each servants he passed by tremble, and he snarled at them like the wolf he can be, showed them his sharp canine teeth to get out of his way. I need to see her, he thought as he sprinted yet again, I'll be fine once I see her. Following your intoxicating scent, your smell led him to his own room. Changing the sheets of his bed, there he sees you. You stopped from your movements as you heard the door open, checked to see who came in only to find it was a wolf. Your eyes wide, and you shrieked as it lunged at you, pinning you on the large bed. It licked you, your cheeks, your neck. Upon closer observation you know it was no ordinary wolf as it shines in a reddish glow. You relaxed underneath its soft fur, sighing as you recognized him very well. "Carla." You breathed. You closed your eyes, and as he got the message he transformed back into his human form. The bed suddenly dipped upon his weight, and as you flutter your eyes open he was towering over you. His eyes, so golden that you as a servant never dared to look at, were looking at nothing else but you. And his hair, so long and white that you never got to tangle your fingers to, was touching your face. You're mesmerized, your gazed locked with his. Caressing his cheek you slowly, carefully take off the scarf covering half his face. Carla didn't do anything, he found your touch to be the only touch he would allow against his skin. The cloth feel from his face, his hidden beauty revealed only to your eyes. "Welcome home." You whispered in his lips, and as Carla leaned down to kiss you--felt your soft lips in his, he secretly admits he was.

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