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He's the laziest person you've ever met, the laziest vampire there is. Reiji even everyone refers to him as a humiliation. Can't do anything but sleep. Sleep, sleep all day. They're right. But as you look at the orange haired vampire sleeping in your lap, against all those negative remarks, you've always wanted to tell them you're thankful of his laziness. You liked it. It just means you could be with him for as long as you want, the same for him too. Shu's glad he doesn't have to bother to do anything, never have to do anything. Because he can have you all he want. Long before you came, he used to sleep anywhere may it be couches back home or lounges in school. Anywhere will do. But when you came, he realized he could only sleep in your lap, your shoulder, your side. He would now sleep with you around. If not, he'd have an extremely hard time that he'd turn the mansion even the world upside down just to find you and put him back to sleep. You've become his comfort he can't afford to lose, comfort he can't live without. And you're thankful he's lazy. You smiled, raveling his soft orange locks in your fingers. He's so gorgeous, asleep or not. You thought, kissing his forehead.

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