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Ore-Sama. That's what he calls himself. What he thought he is, at the very least. Ore-Sama, it's that nickname everyone finds annoying. The red-haired who happens to own that nickname, takes as much advantage as he can from it--like the Ore-Sama he claims himself to be. He will have everything in the benefit of only him alone. Everything. He will declare it as his once he lay eyes first on anything. His ego ate him up that much. Yes, he's overconfident for his own liking, a little too proud. Now imagine how prouder Ayato was of himself after having you, how proud he is now that he has you. Since your official day he felt like the king of the world, the happiest in all his years. You don't know how proud he is in a way that he can brag not just his own self but his own self, now with you. Ayato has never been complete enough. With you he has everything he wish he had and more. Like the Ore-Sama he is.

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