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Pat pat. You reached out, your arms longing for his warmth. Pat pat. Again you did, searching under the covers. Pat...not there, he's not beside you when he's supposed to be. You stirred from your sleep, slowly tearing your eyes open to look for him around. There. Sitting at the edge of the bed with his defined back turned to you, you found who you were looking for. "Ruki..." You called out, voice raspy as you sleepily sit up. The black haired vampire turned to you by surprise, and it's just then when you see he was reading a book. He flipped it close, completely giving all his attention to you. "Can't sleep?." He crawled beside you, gently laying your head on his shoulder. You meekly nod, requesting "Tell me a story." to put you back to sleep. Ruki then, pulled you closer, held you closer, and started. "There was once a half blood vampire...deeply in love with a human girl." You weakly snicker, getting what he meant. "He loves her, so very much.." He continued. "He knew there's no future for them but a tragic end," He linked his hand to yours, "...but the girl was his. She was his. Forever." He ended, kissing your hair.

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