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Walking out of the Sakamaki Mansion, you stepped out into the cold night. You are to head in the very place you consider the most peaceful part of the manor, not to have an alone time... but to see him. Replaying his voice in your head you couldn't help but melt as you treaded the stone path leading to the gardens. See me, he had said. As simple as that but it took him everything to say just that. Chuckling, you delved further into the darkness. Soon you reached the gardens, fingertips sliding across every bushes, roses he himself planted as you pass by. It's dark, but the moon shines enough light to see things in a more beautiful view. Looking up, your eyes landed on him. With a smile across his face, there he stands, waiting for you. The shadows perfectly defined him from head to toe, and as he walks over to you he kept his gaze locked with yours. Oh Subaru, you smiled back, gasping a little as he pulled you close to his body then smiling back again. Even in the dark his red blushing cheeks are visible as he tucked a white rose in your ear, and looking away, he let his actions speak for him. You sweet, sweet guy.

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