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No! You screamed, reaching out for his hand. You grabbed it, grasping it tight. Then it slipped away, you don't know how. No! you screamed again, now holding on it as tight as you can when you get to reach for it again. You interlaced your fingers with his, hoping not to lose him. No, you chanted. Kanato no. He's not leaving, you know he would never do so. But something's taking him away. Is that a sign? A warning?. All you think is to keep him, but it claimed him: darkness. Y/n! he shouted-and he was gone. "Y/n, y/n..." he grabbed both your shoulders, waking you up. Your frantic eyes stare back at his violet ones as you sit up, and instantly he hugged you, rubbed your back over and over. Your voice shook, you alone shook in his arms as he holds you, caressing your head, your hair. "I lost you there. I lost you." You sob as you hug him tight. "Kanato I don't know what to do if I really did." You buried your face in his chest. "You won't." He whispered, letting go of his embrace as he reached out, wiping your tears. "I promise." It's a promise you know is unbreakable, a vampire's promise.

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