Found You

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 Looking at the crowd cheering for him, he continued scanning them. If he has to do it over and over again he'd never get tired until he sees you. With a picture of you in his head, he's more than sure that he can identify you out of the ocean of crowd cramped before him. I'll be there, he remember you telling him, most certainly the smile in your face hours before his concert. He's been looking for you that the people are too ecstatic to notice it. He merely makes mistakes, has been all over the place. But no one seems to bother. He needs to see you, at least to see you in his special day.  Y/n, he sang at the top of his lungs, show yourself. As if on cue, you did. With the spotlights roaming around the crowd he caught sight of you, with the same smile in your lips. There he locked gazes with you, breathless by that smile brighter than all the spotlights there combined. In a snap pf his fingers, the whole arena dimmed. Confusion was laced everywhere as the idol heard whispers here and there. He takes that as a chance, shuffling so very fast that when the lights were back and was only focused on him, he had the girl he loves in his arms. "Found you." He whispered, and the whole arena once again boom into life as he hugged you, made your foreheads touch. "You came." He caressed your hair, resting his chin over your head. The crowd is defeaning, but as you replied back all those noises seemed to be blocked. "Of course it's your birthday." Aw, his heart melt, my girl is so sweet. "Happy birthday." You greeted, letting go, holding his face. "Happy birthday!." Everyone greeted in unison next. Everyone looked so happy, even you, and he realized as he felt himself smiling, he do too.

Happy Birthday to the ever so fabulous Kou Mukami! *pops confetti* Your birthday is such a good kick starter of the year <3. We all love you Kou, me, I love you. You're so cute, so nice but so dangerous, and I love your eyes. I wish you good health, good career, and happy life. And love may I add. More love, you deserve love. Happy birthday Kou!

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