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"Yuma watch it!." You winced, raising your voice quite a little as he accidentally pressed on your wound too hard. "Sorry, sorry." He apologized sheepishly, tsking as he blows at your now swollen skin. "How can you hurt yourself, huh? You really are clumsy." He remarked, scanning the rather deep wound in your knee. Then you shouldn't have made me pick your precious vegetables, you rolled your eyes. "Are you okay? Do you feel hurt anywhere?." He frantically asks as you met eyes with him. "Come on Sow, let me check. A body as frail as yours could've broke a bone or two--." He blabbered, making you cut him off. "I'm fine." You said with a chuckle, your irritation slowly fading away. Yuma went silent for a moment, exchanging glances between you and your bleeding wound. You thought he'd suck the blood off it, but instead  he scoops you up, making your arms automatically hold onto his neck. "Don't worry." He whispered. "Next time you fall, I'll catch you."

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