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Ok so before we get to the real thing, my phone broke. I mean, my phone screen broke. And you know those annoying lines that eat up the entire screen that you can't see things properly? It has completely taken over my phone. My phone's all black now and i'm having real time difficulties. But as you can see,  I'm still trying my very best to update and to let you lovely readers to read some more <3. #nothingcanstopme HAHA. 

...And I apologize if the chapters, by any chance, looks literally weird: not indented, has typos and stuff because I'm using a computer right this very moment. Take note, computer. Not laptop or macbook. COMPUTER. So yeah, I'm apologizing in advance.

NOW, to the real thing, I couldn't honestly be more happier now that the reads are gradually growing. Seriously, checking my book every night and finding the reads increasing always make my day. Thank you guys, arigato gozaimas. Last time I checked there were 137 of them. Yiee i am so happy XD. You guys don't know how high I jumped nor how loud I screamed when I found out. I was so very happy I don't know how to control it. You girls are amazing.

Also, there's this one particular fella, @pearl_prism, who melted my heart with all her lovely feedbacks. I was originally expecting for the worse of this book, but then all I got from her were super nice comments that greatly motivated me. I thank you girl, from the bottom of my heart. HAHA, i'm so cheesy. But really, I'll never forget you <3.

that's all!

hope you're enjoying to your heart's content<3

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