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You shuffled uncomfortably on the bed, staring up at the blank ceiling. Why y/n?, you asked yourself with a sigh. Why are you still waiting for him?. You bit your lip, pulling the blanket higher against your body. This, this is what waiting for him is like. This is what believing him feels like. You never learn but still, you keep going. You already know way better than anyone but you always let him. Toy you, use you. Part of you wants to give up—have always wanted to give up. That a playboy like him would always remain as a playboy. But a bigger part of you believes that he is who he is, and if it wasn't for him being flirty then he's not himself. Laito, you hope he'd hear you, you told me to wait for you. Your eyelids droop, vision getting fuzzy from waiting too long. Come back to me, was the last thought in your head as you drifted off to sleep. Hours later, you stirred from your slumber as you felt arms draped all over you. He's so very close that his hair sticking out of his face tickles your neck. You smiled, turning around to find Laito fast asleep, scooting closer to him, hugging him tight. Maybe he's really worth the wait.

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