Don't You Know

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It was a sunny day. It's those kind of sunny days that that brown haired thought harvesting is perfect. He had brought enough baskets, his farming hat, and he figured it wouldn't be complete without tagging you along so he did. Yuma has never been so prepared. Off you go to his garden, and there you take your time harvesting. Your smile never gives out, and so is Yuma's not because he has yet again grown his plants well, but because you're enjoying it. In the beginning he feared you might dislike that hobby of his but when you loved it as instantly as he showed you his garden, told you his passion for gardening he was brimming with happiness. With the last bright red, lush tomato he picked, he went over to you. "Want some?," he hands it to you. Immediately you ate it after thanking him, bite after bite. You enjoyed eating it too much that you hardly noticed its juice dripping down the side of your mouth. He noted this, and he spun you to face him, gently wiped the juice off. He stopped for a moment, fingers still in your skin. "You're beautiful," he admires your face, sighing lovingly. "...don't you know that?."

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